Sunday, July 06, 2008


I took a sip of my coffee, looked out at the sun setting over the Amazon river and listened for Anni. I knew she would be busy preparing dinner, all the while singing some long forgotten folk song. She has been a good companion and we have been through a lot together.

General Madero, the Plan de San Luis Potosi, crossing the Rio Grande, the popular support we enjoyed initially, and the eventual dying of a dream. It all seemed so long ago. I was so young then, so much of an idealist, so proud to fight for Madero and so much in love in Anni. My guitar and my rifle were like my two arms. People say I was never seen without either one of them, unless I was in Anni’s arms of course.

Play us a song Fernando’, ‘Fernando, I need that hill taken in the next hour’, ‘Fernando am scared for you. For us.’ Fernando, Fernando, Fernando. I was all over the place. I genuinely thought that we were freeing our land. Where did it all go wrong? Who betrayed the dream? Was it one person, were we all to blame or was it just the way life is? I do not know, but I do know that I never felt more alive than on that night with Anni.

We could hear the cannon fire getting closer and closer with every passing hour. It was like waiting for an eternity. I was so terrified. Not for myself but for Anni and for all the things we thought we had been fighting for. With no ammunition left, I discarded my useless rifle and picked up my guitar. I could see the despair on Anni’s face as she saw me strumming it. She had followed me blindly, just as I had followed Madero. Anni never looked lovelier and more vulnerable. I can still recall her sitting there in mud splattered battle fatigues. Her long black hair tied up and the fire’s light reflecting in her eyes. ‘Do something Fernando’ she seemed to want to plead with me. But the truth was that I had already given up hope.

Over the years, so many comrades, so many friends. All gone to what I fervently hope is a better place. I looked up at the stars and I knew that the end would come soon. With every explosion Anni seemed like she would cry. I think the only thing that stopped her was that she didn’t want me to see it. She didn’t know that I was on the verge of tears myself. Humming and strumming were just a facade. Just like Madero’s promises of a better country had been.

I don’t recall the last time I have used the rifle. I wouldn’t be able to aim it properly in any case. Time changes everything. Well almost everything.

Ah Anni. You were right though. There was something in the air that night. And the stars were bright. They were shining for us and for the liberty that we had fought for. And yes, if I had to do it all again I would. Anni, my friend.

Note: This is my take on the superhit Abba Song 'Fernando'. While the song is sung from Anni's point of view, this is my humble and bumbling response from Fernando.

Check out the video of Fernando at:

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