Thursday, July 31, 2008

Winning at All Costs

These days I don't seem to have much to do in the evenings. No TV, no new books and no company. So I found myself introspecting and doing some self-analysis mumbo jumbo. I wont deny that the last year hasn't been ideal. It's been a start-stop-turn-reverse kinda year. Many exciting but eventually false starts and yet quite a few unexpectedly pleasant surprises. It's almost as if someone wished me that old Chinese curse, 'May you live during interesting times'. :-)

But one thing that seems to emerge from this (brilliant) thought process is that the main reason why I am where I am (wherever that may be) is because I haven't been totally true to myself. Allow me to explain.

For most of my life I was quintessentially a simple person. If I saw something that I wanted, I went after it. It didn't matter whether it was a sport, a debate competition, a woman or simply knowledge. I would go out there and give it my best shot without worrying about how the world saw me. I remember a time when the only thing on my mind was winning. I played to win. I played hard, rough, even downright mean at times. Why? Coz I knew that there's nothing quite like the thrill of winning. Forget all that HR talk of team building and companionship. In any group of people, especially guys, there is always a top dog. And no matter how hard we may deny it everyone wants to be that top dog.

I used to relish being in a tight spot coz I knew I would keep my cool and get myself out of it. 1-5 (15-40) down in a set and I would be ice cool. I knew that I played my best when under pressure and never felt nervous about being backed into a corner. You could say my motto was, 'Bring em on baby!'. I wont brag and say that I always won, but I never backed down from a challenge.

Somewhere along the way, the boy who wasn't afraid to show that he was a fighter and tell the world to go jump 'grew up'. Someone told him that winning wasn't the only thing. But being gracious and doing it by the book also matter. And at the end of the day one has to fit in and confirm to social norms. Total crap. Win, at all costs. Do whatever it takes but for god's sake.. WIN!!

Still don't agree with me? Okay, tell me how many Grand Slam titles did Vijay Amritraj win? Am guessing it was one less than one. Wanna know why? Maybe its because he was too busy applauding the great shots that his opponents hit rather than charging himself up. Which is why today people talk about McEnroe, Borg, Connors... and then remember, 'Oh yeah, that nice Indian fellow.. whats his name? Veeejay'. Thats right, no one remembers who came in second. And I honestly believe the only good losers are those who are used to it.

Anyway, getting back to me... I have realized that most of the 'problems' I been confronted with the last year or so have been caused by my reluctance to put my foot down and tell the other person or organisation exactly what I think. I've been seduced by the notion that if you are patient and hardworking, you will get what you deserve.. eventually. Thats almost like saying that, 'In the long term the price and the value of a stock will match'.

Sadly, that isn't true. At least not in my case. And I want to see the money. Now!! Not fifteen years from now buddy boy. So I have decided to become more assertive. More 'in-tune' with my own desires and wants. No more Mr Most of the Time Nice Guy. I've awoken from my self imposed slumber. So get out of my way conscience and allow me get ahead in life.

Woo hoo. Here I come.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Always A Woman

For my earlier post on the Nawab who redeemed himself I got a bit of flak from quite a few ladies. I also got a lot of woo hoos from my guy pals but that is another matter. So let me set the record straight. I don't hate women. In fact its quite the opposite. I think women are great and am glad that God didn't stop with Adam. Imagine a world without them. Hmm.. lotsa bars, only sports on TV, world peace, no traffic accidents and in my case, a much smaller phone bill. :-)

Now now, before you think that this post is another wisecrack at all my enslaved male friends let me get to the point. After many years of trying, and failing miserably, to understand women I remembered the Billy Joel song 'Always a Woman' and suddenly my life got a lot simpler. We men are not supposed to understand women, thats what other women are for. We men are supposed to listen, nod our heads, say 'yes darling you are right' or 'its ok sweetie', wait for them while they get ready, hang on to their shopping bags and pretend to not be bored out of our minds. Thats our job. Thats what we're here for. ... to make women happy.

The biggest mistake I made when I was younger was to innocently assume that women think like men do. After being run over by a couple of trains I realized the error of my ways. In fact it was a very wise lady who once told, 'You gullible simpleton. Don't ever make the mistake of thinking that you know what a woman has on her mind. Coz even her best friend doesn't know.' So I have come to treat women with the respect that they deserve. But I don't trust them. Not one single bit. I enjoy being with a pretty girl. You laugh, you try to be witty and talk about stuff you normally wouldn't. But at the back of your mind you know that five minutes after saying goodbye to you she might be on a call with another suitor. That is the way life is, so don't complain.

So what does Billy Joel have to do with all this? Well, if you read the lyrics of the song you might just agree with me when I say that women God's greatest creation, but they are also his most dangerous. :-)

She can kill with a smile
She can wound with her eyes
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child
But she's always a woman to me

I especially like the 'only reveals what she wants you to see' bit. Every woman has her secrets, which she is entitled to keep. Layers under layers. Circles within circles. That sort of thing.

She can lead you to love
She can take you or leave you
She can ask for the truth
But she'll never believe.
And she'll take what you give her, as long as its free
She steals like a thief
But shes always a woman to me

Yes sir, she might ask you for the truth. But she will follow her own intuition when it comes to making her judgment. Which normally is to not trust the guy. :P

And she'll promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden.
Then she'll carelessly cut you
And laugh while you're bleedin
But she'll bring out the best
And the worst you can be.
Blame it all on yourself
Cause she's always a woman to me

The term 'led up the garden path' didn't just pop out of nowhere you know. Lol. But it is true, at least in my case, women bring out the best and the murst, oops worst, in me.

The last para in the song brilliantly sums up how women can be different things at different times.

She is frequently kind
And she's suddenly cruel
She can do as she pleases
Shes nobody's fool
But she cant be convicted
Shes earned her degree
And the most she will do
Is throw shadows at you
But shes always a woman to me.

Ah yes. I used to wonder how someone as loving and tender could turn into someone so cold and aloof. But I guess that is just the way women are. After all, the female of the species is deadlier (and far smarter) than the male.

P.S. - This post wasn't written with anyone in mind. Or may be it was. :-)

Monday, July 14, 2008

Built to Last and Not Built Too Fast

'Yeah dude, its a great idea but someone has already implemented it'. I've heard this comeback at least a dozen times from this friend of mine. And just in case you are wondering, I am referring to business ideas. :-)

Okay, now everyone wants to be the next Edison or his modern equivalent. People want to invent the 'next big thing'. Just look at the books that management gurus are peddling these days. People seem to think that you can 'manage innovation'. Well, thats an oxymoron if I ever saw one. The best ideas do not come out of DMADV processes or workout sessions. They hit you on a thursday afternoon, just after lunch and probably just before a horribly boring meeting. I think the world of business would be a lot more creative if we took books like Blue Ocean Strategy and .... thats right.. threw them into the deep sea.

One of the greatest myths that managers seem to believe these days is that you have to have a truly radical idea in order to succeed in business. B schools teach you that you have redefine the paradigm. Well, I think that is hogwash. And let me prove to you why there are no Blue Oceans out there. (Even if there are, they will get polluted by your competitors in no time).

To begin with, the first big idea was fire. Now, if we were to avoid copying someone's (great) idea most of us would be shivering in the cold, eating raw food and bumping into the dark. Lets not even get started on the wheel. How many of us would be willing to walk 10 kms to work, or whatever it is we would be doing in the New Stone Age?

Buildings, machines, printing press, aircraft, bulbs, computers, MP3 players, Search Engines. All these inventions go to prove that there is no great benefit to be derived from redefining the paradigm. Or whatever you want to call it.

My way of looking at things is that once an idea has worked and proved itself, there will be more people willing to fund and ,more importantly, willing to buy your product. Why blaze a new trail when you can follow someone, learn from their mistakes and then... woo hoo.. overtake them?

Think about it. The Japanese and the Koreans have built their economies around this simple principle. For every Phillips (who invented 100s of things including the CD) there are a dozen Sonys and LGs and Samsungs and Panasonics.

So Old Man, you ready to try something?

Friday, July 11, 2008

The Fall and Rise of the Nawab

The other day I was chatting with an old friend who happens to be the girlfriend of an equally old friend. Now in between all the friendly banter and leg pulling, I happened to ask her where that loser (my pal) was. And she said that he has been camping at her place for the last 10 days.

Hmmmm. Now these two love birds are in the US and I guess things are pretty different. I mean no nosy relatives or people dropping in unexpectedly. But 10 days? The bum had been chatting with me and had never mentioned this trip. Which got me suspicious. My suspicions seemed to be confirmed when she mentioned that he was helping out at home, or trying to at least.

Woah!!! Hold those homely horses for a just a minute. My pal... helping 'home'? This was not the baniyaan clad, underarm scratching, methane burping slob I had known in college. His room was even messier than mine, which is saying a lot. I started picturing him wearing an apron and gloves, slaving away in the kitchen. Saying 'Yes darling' every second sentence. And maybe (thank God actually) bathing everyday. My my my. How the smelly have fallen.

I felt sad and relieved at the same time. Sad coz another free spirit had been ensnared by the wiles and guiles of the non-male species. One more soul lost forever. Yet I was relieved cuz a biological disaster had been averted thanks to the baths. But still, I knew I would miss him.

Just when I was about to raise a toast to another fallen comrade, a miracle occured. The lady in question told that the 'helping hand' mask had slipped within 2 days and he was slowly getting back to his normal self. Relief flooded through me. Praise the Lord!! All was not lost. Turns out my friend is more or less the same person I have known, and loved. Hooooo munga.

Our friend still snores his head off till 11 AM, still drops food all over the table, still leaves beer bottles all over the house, still refuses to make his bed. And best of all, has control of the tv remote!! Now we're talking. This was more of a Trojan Horse manouver rather than an abject surrender. Proud of you dude.

So, to end on a happy note I think that if men can live, and thrive, in captivity maybe there is still hope for mankind. :-)

Sunday, July 06, 2008


I took a sip of my coffee, looked out at the sun setting over the Amazon river and listened for Anni. I knew she would be busy preparing dinner, all the while singing some long forgotten folk song. She has been a good companion and we have been through a lot together.

General Madero, the Plan de San Luis Potosi, crossing the Rio Grande, the popular support we enjoyed initially, and the eventual dying of a dream. It all seemed so long ago. I was so young then, so much of an idealist, so proud to fight for Madero and so much in love in Anni. My guitar and my rifle were like my two arms. People say I was never seen without either one of them, unless I was in Anni’s arms of course.

Play us a song Fernando’, ‘Fernando, I need that hill taken in the next hour’, ‘Fernando am scared for you. For us.’ Fernando, Fernando, Fernando. I was all over the place. I genuinely thought that we were freeing our land. Where did it all go wrong? Who betrayed the dream? Was it one person, were we all to blame or was it just the way life is? I do not know, but I do know that I never felt more alive than on that night with Anni.

We could hear the cannon fire getting closer and closer with every passing hour. It was like waiting for an eternity. I was so terrified. Not for myself but for Anni and for all the things we thought we had been fighting for. With no ammunition left, I discarded my useless rifle and picked up my guitar. I could see the despair on Anni’s face as she saw me strumming it. She had followed me blindly, just as I had followed Madero. Anni never looked lovelier and more vulnerable. I can still recall her sitting there in mud splattered battle fatigues. Her long black hair tied up and the fire’s light reflecting in her eyes. ‘Do something Fernando’ she seemed to want to plead with me. But the truth was that I had already given up hope.

Over the years, so many comrades, so many friends. All gone to what I fervently hope is a better place. I looked up at the stars and I knew that the end would come soon. With every explosion Anni seemed like she would cry. I think the only thing that stopped her was that she didn’t want me to see it. She didn’t know that I was on the verge of tears myself. Humming and strumming were just a facade. Just like Madero’s promises of a better country had been.

I don’t recall the last time I have used the rifle. I wouldn’t be able to aim it properly in any case. Time changes everything. Well almost everything.

Ah Anni. You were right though. There was something in the air that night. And the stars were bright. They were shining for us and for the liberty that we had fought for. And yes, if I had to do it all again I would. Anni, my friend.

Note: This is my take on the superhit Abba Song 'Fernando'. While the song is sung from Anni's point of view, this is my humble and bumbling response from Fernando.

Check out the video of Fernando at:

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Funny Football Quotes

After two serious posts, people might be wondering whether I am alright or not. Come on guys, am not in love, I haven't turned gay, nor am I suffering from terminal cancer and I certainly am not planning on taking a sanyaas. Am I mentally unbalanced? Hell yeah! I've always been. Don't you know it by now? :D

Okay okay, lets put an end to the self admiration. To make up for the torture I put you through the last couple of days here are some funny quotes made by people involved with the world of football.

Barry Venison on PSV’s pace:
"PSV have got a lot of pace up front. They're capable of exposing themselves."

Terry Venables on answering a question:
"I've been asked that question for the last six months. It is not fair to expect me to make such a fast decision on something that has been put upon me like that."

David Pleat on Maradona:
"For such a small man Maradona gets great elevation on his balls."

George Best on financial planning:
I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered.

David Coleman on Italian patriotism:
The Italians are hoping for an Italian victory.

Peter Shilton being honest about England’s chances:
You’ve got to believe that you’re going to win, and I believe we’ll win the World Cup until the final whistle blows and we’re knocked out.

Gordon Strachan giving it back to the press:
Reporter: "So, Gordon, in what areas do you think Middlesbrough were better than you today?"
Strachan: "What areas? Mainly that big green one out there."

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

November Rain or Estranged?

Time to swim against the current. At the risk of widespread public ridicule am going to say that I prefer the Guns N' Roses song 'Estranged' over the cult hit 'November Rain'. Yes sir (and ma'am) let me repeat myself.... I personally prefer 'Estranged'.

Now, now. Before you bring out the brickbats and start shooting off mass emails telling people that I've lost it, please allow me the chance to explain myself. After that you're welcome to not change your mind. :-) First of all, let me say that I really really like November Rain. The violins, the drums and Axel Rose's unique voice make it one of my all time favourites. It is one of the greatest rock love songs of the 1990s. Yet that is all that it is - a love song.

Estranged on the other hand is a song which has multiple facets and angles to it. It starts off as a love song when Axel croons, 'Old at heart but I'm only 28. And I'm much too young. To let love break my heart' And then it changes to an angst ridden criticism of the world when he asks, 'So nobody ever told us baby. How it was gonna be. So what'll happen to us baby? Guess we'll have to wait and see'. And yet both have elements of the other in them. Love or lost love along with how unfair the world appears to be.

The best lines in the song are 'When I find out all the reasons, Maybe I'll find another way. Find another day. With all the changing seasons of my life. Maybe I'll get it right next time'. I honestly think that these four lines are the best that Guns N' Roses ever wrote. Maybe its because they fit so perfectly with who I am and all the cock ups that I've done. But more than that, what I love about these lines is that they remind you that there will be other ways and other days. They give you hope and that is a wonderful thing to have. :-)

So while Estranged does have an underlying sense of lost love, it paints many more subtle shades of the human psyche. How many times have you felt alone when a close confidant is no longer around? Maybe you'll then agree with 'I'll never find anyone to replace you. Guess I'll have to make it thru, this time. Oh this time. Without you'. Coz life goes on. No matter what. So in the video, when Axel jumps off the supertanker and finds himself alone in the sea he knows that he's where he is because he chose to be so. You estrange yourself only when you refuse the lifebuoys that your friends throw you.

But enough of pyscho babble. To each his own. Why don't you watch both videos and decide for yourself? Just ask yourself this question.... should music simply sound nice or should it also make you introspect on who you are? Your answer will tell you which song you like better. :-)


November Rain

Once again, I think they are both fabulous songs. I just happen to like Estrange better.

A Lost Decade

So Euro 2008 has come and gone. It was certainly a good tournament. Yet I wouldn’t go so far as to say it was a great tournament. At least not for Germany.

For a nation that used to be called the ‘Eternal Finalists’, it’s been 12 years since they won a tournament. That is a long time if you go by their past records. Which for the uninformed is

1972 Euro – Champions
1974 WC – Champions
1976 Euro – Finals: Lost on penalties (only time ever) to Czechoslovakia
1980 Euro – Champions
1982 WC – Finals: Lost to Italy after coming back from 1-3 against France in the semis
1986 WC – Finals: Lost to Diego Maradona
1988 Euro – Semi Finals: Lost to Netherlands 1-2
1990 WC – Champions
1992 Euro – Finals: Shock loss to Denmark 0-2
1996 Euro – Champions

While some might say that since 1996 Germany have reached one World Cup final, one Euro final and another World Cup semi final I think that it is clear that this generation of German players has been a disappointment. Miroslav Klose is no Gerd Mueller, Torsten Frings is no Franz Beckenbaur, Philip Lahm is no Andy Brehme. And dare I say, Michael Ballack is no Fritz Walter. The list could go on and on but the sad truth remains that Germany is in danger of becoming like England. Don’t believe me? Then please explain why the coach of a nation which used to be used to WINNING now makes statements like, "to be in the final itself is a great success’". Come on Jogi, we expect better from you.

The attack looked toothless and not at all threatening. Klose was invisible on the field, poor Podolski was relegated to a left winger role. And let’s not even talk about Mario Gomez. I mean, who misses from 2 yards? This German defence was probably the worst they’ve had in 40 years. Metzelder and Lehman were like ‘Dumb and Dumber’. Freidrich and Mertersacker did try hard, but one can see that they will never be in the league of a Matthias Sammer. And Lahm only looks world class when he’s going forward. Throughout the tournament it was the typical tough & clinical German midfield which held the team together. But for all their experience Ballack and Frings lack that extra spark of genius. Something that Sebastian Deisler had. It is a tragedy that someone as gifted as him retired in 2006 at the ripe old age of 26. Ah, another ‘could have been’.

Maybe in 2010 I’ll actually get to see a German triumph. You never know, with Tony Kroos, Rene Adler, Marko Marin and Manuel Fischer all under 23 it just might be possible. Otherwise Gary Linekar's famous quote, "Football is a simple game; 22 men chase a ball for 90 minutes and at the end, the Germans win" will be confined to the history books.