Saturday, January 03, 2009

A New Beginning

Hello World,

It's a new year. A chance to make a fresh start. A chance to look back, learn from your mistakes, laugh at the good memories and move ahead. Let's forget 2008 and make the most of 2009.

Here are some things I would like to see happen in this year:

1. Manmohan Singh finally show some spine and take on the pakis.
2. Obama give a huge boost to green technology.
3. Roger Federer win BOTH the French Open & Wimbledon. (The other two don't really count)
4. My credit card bill disappear.
5. A blanket ban on whaling.
6. A decent coalition come to power at the centre after the general elections.
7. Bin Laden finally gets caught.
8. The Large Haldron Collider that CERN built actually works & they discover whatever they were looking for.
9. The second season of IPL is shorter, but just as much fun as the first.
10. Bayern Munich do well in the Champions League.

Most of these 'wishes' are at a global level. But if you really ask me, I'd settle for just wish number 4 coming true. :-)

Cheerio Folks, have a great year ahead. Keep reading, keep commenting and most importantly, keep clicking on the google ads (only those you think are relevant..wink wink).

1 comment:

Vineet said...

i have been wishing for number 4 each year...but damn those credit card companies for always sending me a bill at the end of the month :)