Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Goodbye 2008

Goodbye 2008. I don't think I will miss you too much. You started off well but then slowly showed us your true colours. I think I was a happier person 365 days ago. I really could have done without you.

Sure, you did bring me some good things. A much much much better job, new friends, Abhinav Bindra's gold medal, Dhoni's captaincy, the end of Aussie dominance at cricket, George Bush's 'sole mate', Obama winning, The Dark Knight and many other small pleasures which I can't recall.

But you also brought a load of crap. Federer losing Wimbledon, Germany losing the Euro final, 26/11, Manmohan Singh, Deshmukh, Raj Thackeray, RR Patil, Shivraj Patil, Anutulay, the economy going down the drain, Kumble's injury, the iPhone in India, Solstice 2008. Uggh, the list goes on and on.

The thing that I hold most against you is that you gave us hope and optimism. Then snatched it away. You've been a bad year. We may remember you for a long time, but I doubt we'll ever think well of you. Go away now!!

So 2009, if you're listening... please note that I am already scared of what I've heard you're going to bring. Global warming, economic doomsday, terrorism.... Are you really that nasty? Do take pity on us and try to be nice.


Unknown said...

dude, what happened in solstice 2008? bad eh?

- srini

Tarun said...

Souls, Soles and Assholes.

made news in 2008, is that a correct assesments?

Practical Preacher said...

Srini, this was the worst Solstice ever!! This batch cant organize anything at all. Band sucked, DJ was crap, Alum gift hamper was a rip off.

Tarun, as usual you've put it brilliantly. :-)