Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Purpose of Art..

Ever wondered why they made you attend music lessons in school, or drawing class or made you read those boring hindi poems (CBSE) that seemed to make very little sense. Ever asked yourself what the point was when they wouldn't get you into that engineering/medical college? Ever found reading boring?

Well, Dana Gioia certainly has a lot of the answers. Take my advice and fast forward the introduction. If you find what he has to say boring or tedious, then neither he nor I were addressing you. :-)

PS - I know I've been talking a lot about commencement speeches of late. But that's only because I slept through mine. Montek Singh Alhuwalia bored the living daylights out of me & 200 other ISBians from the Class of 2007. He went on and on. No wonder in this country the planning (commission) takes so long.


Unknown said...

i cried (for obvious reasons) after listening to our Co2007 speech by MSA. am wondering why noone has uploaded it yet to youtube! :)

- srini

Rujuta said...

i was prayin'tht he'd just get on with it....he was supposed to concentrate on us...not on how he felt about economics

Practical Preacher said...

Srini, I got so fed up I almost started clapping. He droned on and on. Didn't suit the occasion at all. Pathetic.

Rujuta, he sounded like he was giving a lecture to people who didn't know the ABCs of economics. And, don't ask me why, were also interested in hearing about the Indian economy post independence. Yawn. (just writing that made me sleepy).