Sunday, February 15, 2009

Save Rani Bagh

In spite of Tata Tea's best efforts I have decided that I will not register to vote. No, it's not because I am what the ancient Greeks would call and 'idiot' (someone who does not exercise his right to vote). Actually, I am what a lot of modern Indians would call an idiot, but that is a different story. The reason I have chosen not to vote is that I don't see the point of it.

Okay, before you start screaming that every vote counts let me clarify that I like the concept of universal franchise and democracy. I also believe that people should vote. In principle. But this morning I realised that there are other problems, bigger and more pressing, that I would rather help resolve. The environment to begin with. I think that what we are doing to the environment will have a much more severe and long term impact than deciding which party deserves your vote. A 100 years from now people will curse/thank us for who we voted for in the elections of 2009, but they will curse/thank us for what we did to save the planet.

So I have chosen a cause. You might argue that saving the environment has nothing to do with exercising your vote. And you're probably right. But I just don't give a rat's ass about which crook and his/her bunch of thugs comes to power. They are all the same. Now that's my stance. You're welcome to choose your own line of action.

As the first step towards trying to clean up this mess, I have signed an online petition to save Rani Bagh Botanical Gardens in Mumbai. Its a small step, but it is something at least.

Turns out that the Muncipal Corporation in Bombay wants to modernize this park which was set up in 1861. A noble thought, especially if you consider that they are willing to spend Rs. 433 Crores and pay a Thai and an American company to do it. Really, a noble thought.

Turns out that they planned to lop off most of the 3,177 and build a new aquarium, theatre, and exploration centre, car park, staff quarters, and expansion of the animal hospital. When the plan was opposed by environmentalists and conscientious bureaucrats (S.K. Patnaik and Dr. Rommel Mehta), the Central Zoo Authority told the BMC not to fell a single tree. However, the Machiavellian babus managed to get the order amended to state that 'diseased' trees could be felled.

Diseased trees! How about shooting diseased babus as well?

Anyway, the fight is still going on between the forces of good and the BMC. You can do your bit by signing this online petition. It barely takes 30 seconds. I know, coz I did it. And it beats standing in line outside a voting booth anyday.


Rujuta said...

Had no clue this was happening!!!Diseased trees???? Arent there chemicals to take care of the "diseased" parts?
signed....takes not 30 secs, takes 3 secs :)

Practical Preacher said...

It's easy to make a tree diseased. All you need to do is drill a hole in the trunk and insert some mercury. Barely takes any time and its irreversible. Can kill a tree overnight.

Really sick.