Tuesday, November 20, 2007

About Turn..

There's this friend of mine. Female. Studious. Sober. Ever since I've known her she has been like this. More inclined to academic pursuits rather than playing sports. She's the kind you would find in the library and not in the swimming pool. All until now. The last couple of months, she's taken to a physical fitness regime with a vengeance. Almost as if she wants to make up for lost time. She's on a strict health food diet, gyms everyday, spends her weekends either trekking, rock climbing or kick boxing. Talk about an image makeover!!

Makes you wonder what causes these (positive) changes in people. I mean, I've been more or less the way I am for a long long time. Lazy, content and happy-go-lucky. And for the life of me, I cant seem to figure out what would make me want to change my unhealthy lifestyle. Yeah yeah, I know I should change the way I live. But being a procrastinator of the highest order, I always find excuses to push things back. Bad back, bad throat, bad ankle. Sure, they are all pretty valid. But come on. Surely they cant account for each and every day. Lol..

I guess its high time I took a leaf from this admirable lady's book and burnt some blubber. Office gym. Here I come.

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