Friday, August 31, 2007

Work Free....

I never thought i would say it. But times change and opinions do. 'Am bored, give me some work!!!' are words which I wouldnt have dreamt of saying till even 3 weeks ago. There was a time in TCS when I had loads and loads of (shit) work to do and there was no time to pause, think and ask yourself, 'WTF am i doing here'. There would be times when I would solve certain software problems while sleeping. I would go to sleep shit scared, dream about the issue's solution and the next morning actually try it out successfully at work!! During those dark despairing days I used to think that it would be nice to toodle in to office, surf the net, eye the babes and then toodle back home once my 8 hours were clocked.

Not any longer. I've tried it for the last three weeks and it sucks big time. I have done nothing but chat, orkut, youtube, blog and drink coffee. And yesterday I couldnt take it any longer. Met up with a friend from ISB who told me about his trip to Bombay. Am sure people there lead as shitty lives as mine, but hearing about the fun that they had kinda snapped something inside me. I realized that I was wasting my time doing jack all. And that really pissed me off. Within no time I was cranky, bugged, irritated and worst of all - bored.

I needed to do something. Something explosive, energizing and radical. The usual suspects paraded across my mind. Booze, sex, food, movies, cars. I didnt care, I wanted to go somewhere and do something!!! The mindless monotony and wasteful wandering where eating me up. I had to moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove.

So am off to Nagpur tomorrow with Shashank (my roommate). Gonna meet Big Foot aka Frenchy aka Vickram Srivastava. Might even go to college and see whats happening there. Lets see. Should be fun.

Cheerio folks. :-)

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