Friday, August 31, 2007

Beauty And (Or) Brains

I've always wondered why they ask these beauty pageant participants questions like, 'What moment in Indian history would you want to change' or 'How would you use your time as Ms Universe to help children in the world' or even better, 'Which came first - the chicken or the egg'. How is any of this even remotely relevant? I mean, its a frigging beauty contest not a brainiac one.

Frankly speaking, who gives a rodents posterior about what their opinion is on world hunger!! How many queens actually end up helping 'children in africa' or 'serving the poor like Mother Teresa'. la crap. Thats what it all is. Not one of them hesitates to sign up modeling contracts or enter movies.

So lets just cut the hypocrisy out and select the hottest bimbo with the best plastic surgeon.

If you disagree with me, check out this video. And then let me know if asking questions like 'Why do you think 25% of American children cant point out the US on a world map?'

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